We Use the Best.
Rust Wrangler proudly applies Protection First Class Undercoating to every car we service. The left half of the vehicle shown was treated with Protection First Class before a harsh winter, the right side was not. These pictures were taken the following spring, its clear to see why we use this proven product.
Undercoating Process:
The undercarriage of any vehicle to be undercoated must be clean and dry upon arrival at the Rust Wrangler location. It is advised that the vehicle’s undercarriage be washed thoroughly with a high-pressure system and soap no more than three days prior to the scheduled undercoating service.
1. Inspection + Spot Clean:
A thorough inspection is done on the undercarriage of the vehicle to be treated to assess the extent of current rust and to ensure the undercarriage is clean and dry. If there is any dust or road debris present, it is removed with compressed air to keep the undercarriage dry.
2. Vehicle Prep
Based on the vehicle and the extent of your scheduled service, a Rust Wrangler technician may remove the wheels, plastic coverings, body panels, or other items, restricting access to the surfaces on the vehicle that will be undercoated. If necessary, surfaces requiring protection from the undercoating treatment will be covered and sealed off during spraying.
3. Application
After the vehicle is properly prepped, Rust Wranglers will take care to apply the PFC undercoating to all surfaces, cavities, nooks, and crannies that require protection from rust and corrosion. Post application, the undercarriage will be thoroughly inspected to ensure proper application and adequate coverage.
The lanolin-based formula of our undercoating, Protection First Class, remains soft and self-healing but does require a 24-48hr “setup” period before the vehicle can be driven on roads that are wet, snowy, or have heavy debris such as salt or traction treatments.
DO NOT wash the undercarriage of a vehicle that has been undercoated using a high-pressure system or soap until directly before the next scheduled undercoating service
During treatment, overspray may get onto the vehicle's exhaust system. This is harmless but may cause a smell when the exhaust reaches high temperatures for a day or two.
Our Non-Toxic and Solvent-Free undercoating will not harm pets or animals that crawl under a treated vehicle, but our black formula will stain their fur
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FAQ + More Info
The Cost of Rust on your Vehicle
Rust means you're losing $408 every month in depreciation. If you think you can afford that hit, then try this: once a week on your drive to work, roll down...
The Cost of Rust on your Vehicle
Rust means you're losing $408 every month in depreciation. If you think you can afford that hit, then try this: once a week on your drive to work, roll down...
Protect Your Investment: The Rust Wrangler Guid...
"In the battle against rust, your car needs a hero. At Rust Wrangler, located in Somerset, PA, we pride ourselves on being the guardians of your vehicle's longevity. With our...
Protect Your Investment: The Rust Wrangler Guid...
"In the battle against rust, your car needs a hero. At Rust Wrangler, located in Somerset, PA, we pride ourselves on being the guardians of your vehicle's longevity. With our...
Frequently Asked Questions
Our undercoating isn't like old-school rubberized or asphalt-based undercoating that hardens, dries out, and eventually cracks over time. In this blog we share the most frequently asked questions on our undercoating.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our undercoating isn't like old-school rubberized or asphalt-based undercoating that hardens, dries out, and eventually cracks over time. In this blog we share the most frequently asked questions on our undercoating.